Monday, August 30, 2010


In honor of ghost month, which is going on right now, I figured I would share some of the myths we get to encounter everyday!

During ghost month, they believe that the ghosts, of something, will get you. Especially if you enter water. So i decided to try and understand why, and heres what I got: When you swim, a lot, something happens to your legs (in English = a cramp, sore muscle, etc.) and Taiwanese believe it is the ghosts pulling at your legs and trying to take you away. Yup.

When girls are on their periods, they are not allowed to drink anything cold.  It was about 101 out, and we were getting cold, frozen coffee drinks at a cafe. Roxy ordered a H O T black tea. Because she was on her period.

If you eat basil, you will get tan.

If you eat chocolate, you will also get tan.

and if you eat apples, your skin will turn red.

Amy, being Indian, has dark skin. Besides being reminded of it by the stares, she once got a gift from a student. It included the norm: candy, pencils and whitening lotion.

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